Saturday, July 17, 2010

Even More Milling Around

CNC Mill

The mill is finally at a stage where it is usable. Since the last blog entry, I have assembled the mill, tested it with the control software (Mach3) and have built a stand for it.

Mill Mill Controller

I purchased some basic tooling (end mill holders, end mill holders) and I cut a simple 2D part out of hardboard. For a first pass it wasn't too bad. I still have to dial the mill in by tramming the head and checking into the backlash.

Simple part

There are a few things still left to do:

  1. Wire up limit and home switches.

  2. Create a stand to mount the LCD monitor, keyboard and mouse.

  3. Create the tooling plate.

  4. Create a splashguard/enclosure for it.

Those things aside, the mill is finally functional and I can use it to prototype some parts for my motorcycle.

Here is a before and after of the mill from when I got it in Nov 2008 and how it is today.

Mill before Mill after

Garage Stuff

I have been wanting to put together a small welding table for some time now. I finally was able to weld it up over the last couple of weeks.

Welding Table

The plan is to drill and tap a matrix of threaded holes into the tabletop. This will allow me to use bolt on fixtures to hold parts when I weld them.

XS650 Cafe Racer

Now that the CNC Mill is operational, I am focusing my attention on finishing the metalwork for this motorcycle.

I started working on the gas tank. I bent up pieces for the knee cut-outs and tack welded them into place. I'll be finishing off these welds and then bending up the tank tunnel and bottom.

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